L' Effet Pommier 3
L'Effet Pommier - Volume 03.iso
POV-Ray 3.0B5a PPC
POV-Ray 3.0B5a
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192 lines
// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
// File by Dieter Bayer
// Atmospheric environment with spotlights.
#version 3.0
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
camera {
location <5, 6, -18>
right 4/3*x
up y
direction z
angle 65
look_at <0, 4, 0>
// Declare the various atmospheres.
// Note the different reflectivities due to the different scattering models.
// Atmosphere with isotropic scattering (independent of incident light).
#declare Atmosphere1 = atmosphere {
type 1
samples 50 // Number of samples in first distance interval
distance 30 // Atmosphere density, similar to fog
scattering 0.2 // Reflectivity of atmosphere, determines brightness
aa_level 8 // Level of binary subdivision in case of aa
aa_threshold 0.1 // Threshold for aa to push in
jitter 0.25 // Amount of sample jittering
// Atmosphere with Mie cattering, hazy atmosphere (dependent of incident light).
#declare Atmosphere2 = atmosphere {
type 2
samples 50 // Number of samples in first distance interval
distance 30 // Atmosphere density, similar to fog
scattering 1.2 // Reflectivity of atmosphere, determines brightness
aa_level 8 // Level of binary subdivision in case of aa
aa_threshold 0.1 // Threshold for aa to push in
jitter 0.25 // Amount of sample jittering
// Atmosphere with Mie scattering, murky atmosphere (dependent of incident light).
#declare Atmosphere3 = atmosphere {
type 3
samples 50 // Number of samples in first distance interval
distance 30 // Atmosphere density, similar to fog
scattering 1.5 // Reflectivity of atmosphere, determines brightness
aa_level 8 // Level of binary subdivision in case of aa
aa_threshold 0.1 // Threshold for aa to push in
jitter 0.25 // Amount of sample jittering
// Atmosphere with Rayleigh scattering (dependent of incident light).
#declare Atmosphere4 = atmosphere {
type 4
samples 50 // Number of samples in first distance interval
distance 30 // Atmosphere density, similar to fog
scattering 0.2 // Reflectivity of atmosphere, determines brightness
aa_level 8 // Level of binary subdivision in case of aa
aa_threshold 0.1 // Threshold for aa to push in
jitter 0.25 // Amount of sample jittering
// Use atmosphere.
atmosphere { Atmosphere1 }
// Shadowless light sources do not interact with the atmosphere.
light_source { <0, 15, 0> color Gray20 shadowless }
// Spotlights pointing at shaft.
light_source {
<-10, 0.5, -10> color White
point_at <0, 5, 0>
radius 25
falloff 30
tightness 2
atmospheric_attenuation on
// Declare steps.
#declare Step = prism
0, 1, 8
<cos(radians(0*45)), sin(radians(0*45))>,
<cos(radians(1*45)), sin(radians(1*45))>,
<cos(radians(2*45)), sin(radians(2*45))>,
<cos(radians(3*45)), sin(radians(3*45))>,
<cos(radians(4*45)), sin(radians(4*45))>,
<cos(radians(5*45)), sin(radians(5*45))>,
<cos(radians(6*45)), sin(radians(6*45))>,
<cos(radians(7*45)), sin(radians(7*45))>
rotate 22.5*y
#declare Stair = union {
object {
scale <10, 0.5, 10>
translate <0, 0, 0>
object {
scale <8, 0.5, 8>
translate <0, 0.5, 0>
object {
scale <6, 0.5, 6>
translate <0, 1, 0>
// Declare shaft.
#declare Shaft = cylinder {
<0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 1
// Declare object.
#declare Thing = difference {
box { <-1, -1, -1> <1, 1, 1> }
box { <-0.7, -0.7, -1.1>, <0.7, 0.7, 1.1> }
box { <-0.7, -0.7, -1.1>, <0.7, 0.7, 1.1> rotate 90*x }
box { <-0.7, -0.7, -1.1>, <0.7, 0.7, 1.1> rotate 90*y }
// Position objects.
object {
pigment { color rgb<1.0, 0.3, 0.3> }
finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.5 }
object {
scale <3, 3, 3>
translate <0, 1.5+3, 0>
texture { Copper_Metal }
// Room.
box { <-25, 0, -25>, <25, 25, 25>
pigment { color White }
finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.5 }